Novel Writing Month Approaches…

I decided that I’d try to do National Novel Writing Month (also known as NaNoWriMo) this year. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Really. I made this decision in mid-September, thinking that I had plenty of time to get some ideas put together, work on characters, and basically have everything ready by November 1 so I could just start writing the story.

Well, it would have worked. What’s the name of the blog, again? Yeah.

It’s about 10 days until start time, and I have no plot, no characters, nothing. I have had ideas, but not any that I really think I could work with. I’ve had a background idea simmering for a while now, but I wanted to save that for later–after I had a couple of smaller things that I’m less attached to under my belt. Then I could really do this project justice. However, it is getting down to the wire now, so I may need to just go with it. I have a notebook full of background research for this idea, so I really have been serious about it off and on since sometime in mid-2011. Something to ponder this week.

Is writing this agonizing for everyone? I’m such a perfectionist that I think it keeps me from actually getting started. Even though there are erasers, Wite Out, and backspace keys, I still don’t like to make mistakes. I know NaNoWriMo is about quantity over quality and just getting a story out on paper so you’ll have something to work with, but the nitpicky editor in me tends to overpower everything else. I need to get over that; it really hinders doing anything creative or spontaneous!

This might be interesting to say the least.